Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Changi Airport Group: A New Beginning...

First off, let me clarify by saying that this is not the official Changi Airport Group website and neither is it endorsed by the said organisation.

However, this blog was created from an avid aviation enthusiast's perspective, particularly from the field of emergency planning and business continuity. Why these two specific ares you ask? For one obvious reason: an airport community regardless of its infrastructure as well as hardware can never be "perfect" unless there exist some form of planning and response to emergency, crisis as well as disaster scenarios.

With recent occurrences in the aviation community where there have been reports or even "leaks" of potential non-desirable covert events taking place, it is a no brainer issue that airports around the world take a serious view and investment in aviation security as well as emergency response planning.

As this site developes, there will be other issues related to the aviation industry and particularly on Changi covered as well. So stay tuned!


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